Mediation Culture represents the engagement of Farah Makki in mediating for social change and sustainable development around Europe and the Southern Mediterranean. Since 2013, she joined the collective effort for urban and rural placemaking of engaged organizations in social change. The ones acting from active citizenship and participatory urban design. The ones believing in the value of research, social design as well as learning in growing sustainable thinking. And the ones advocating for change in policies through community engagement.
The “We” is placed at the core of a consultancy process for informing cooperation for development, policymaking, and Community-based actions. Where teams and resources are being composed and recomposed according to the need of the context and of the challenge. These hybrid and flexible fields of work are intentional. They are meant to be different. Different levels of action improve the world we live in. Actions that explore existing resources and respect the cultural diversity of the place we act in and for.
Mediation culture plays a role in paving the transformational pathway to support the agency of people and cities in shaping their living environments. Every collaboration mentioned here reflects this “We” power. The works took part in intercultural cooperation for development projects. These programs are the fruit of a chain of partners, and funding instruments: EUROPE AID, British Council, UK Aid, UNDP, etc. Today, Mediation Culture wants to connect the resources of this journey to develop the space for growing energy and better processes and knowledge. This is meant to reinforce the cultural dimension of sustainable development and grow the collective impact for more pleasant and equal social livings.

Let’s talk, work, co-learn, design & appreciate
matters, moments, and experiences of places that bring us together to act for a better world… off and online.